
doors opening

Last week I returned to school to start my A-level course. I'm studying French, German, English Literature -and Art. Of course.

I had my first art lesson today. I'm being taught by two teachers, one to take the thematic project, the other life drawing lessons. I'm really excited about the latter, we're going to have life drawing sessions with a professional model every Wednesday until Christmas. People always talk of the figure being the hardest thing to draw, but it happens to be my favourite. I cannot abide drawing landscapes, and still lifes often seem to lack interest. It's people I'm interested in, and people I want to work with. The theme for our coursework is Doorways, and my homework for the week is to "Take 10 photographs of doorways. This does not mean that they have to be doors."

I generally use my digital camera, although I yearn for the ability to use real technical DLRs with real film which you can sink your teeth in to. Here is the first of the ten photographs, and I'll post a little explanation as well. I'm going to say that this homework will be the theme of the fortnight here on Idle Dreaming, as Emily is still unable to be online.

Please feel free to join in with this mini-project if you want to!

doorways 01

#01 sewing machine
I've always been able to sew, and my Paw Paw taught me basic functions on the machine when I was very little. But since taking a short course in g.c.s.e. textiles I have broadened my mind about clothing and creation. Taking the course, and perfecting the usage of those Berninas, Brothers, Toyotas and Singers - plus this one, my very own Frister Rossmann - made me remember that I do actually have a talent, and now I dream of being a costume designer. All since learning how to thread the sewing machine.

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