sunday scribblings
There's a time every night when I
Get that sinking feeling, it's a
Place in my mind where the
Shadows come to meet. There's a
Flaw in my self which I
Know I can't erase, where I
Plan things too much:
They can never be the same.
I am thinking of one name.
"that sinking feeling"
What happened to Idle Dreaming? Emily has been off-line and I have been busy living. The Clothing as Art project will definately get back into gear soon, I promise. It's something I'm really looking forward too, and I'm waiting till Emily is feeling better. Meanwhile I shall be writing occasionally on here.
"There's a
Flaw in my self which I
Know I can't erase, where I
Plan things too much.."
That familiar feeling....
Very compelling. I'm intrigued by the end: "I'm thinking of one name."
"where the shadows come to meet"...I can relate to that very well!
This had such a great flow to it.
where shadows come to meet - a lovely, thought provoking phrase...
Nice poetry!
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