clothing as art #1
as you may have noticed, my posting has been far less often than Anushka's -- for which i apologize. summer is finally beginning though, so i hope that i can spend more time updating this blog.
on to the post. if you have ever read my other blog, than you may have noticed than i have a deep fascination with clothing. i love making it, looking at it, but most of all wearing it. there is so much that can be expressed with one simple outfit. but finding inspiration for a different outfit every day can be frustrating. to help myself with this, i created a 'look book' of sorts. it is just a simple blank paged notebook in which i glue pictures, write out ideas, and sometimes make mini models of projects i would like to make. doing this has actually helped quite a bit.
each section is a certain look. they are all seperate pictures, but each page has a theme of sorts. depending on my mood, i pick a different page and then make an outfit from that pieces that most inspire me at the moment.
i only recently started the book, so it is a little bit sparse right now. as i make progress i will post pictures, as well as some of the outfits or inspirations that have come out of it.
here are some of my favorite places to find fashion inspiration pictures:
hel-looks (certainly my favorite)
wardrobe_remix (another favorite)
Face Hunter
more on this topic next post.